Friday, October 16, 2009

henry horenstein at clic gallery

this saturday, october 17th clic gallery will be a hosting
a book signing by henry horenstein for his photo book
'honky tonk.'

horenstein's book is an extension of his interest in country
music and a genre that prides itself on fans accessibility to
its stars. ken irwin, co-founder of rounder records echoes
this, 'honky tonk captures this mutual love relationship and
reminds us of what country music was and should be about.'

the signing will take place at clic gallery + bookstore's 255 centre
st. location, between 3pm - 5pm.

clic gallery and bookstore always have great exhibits and fantastic
new books- aside from that they are more than happy to tell you more
about any of the work they feature and are darn good peoples!

* image taken from clic gallery website

Thursday, October 15, 2009


any excuse will do....but when you can say it's for 'work'
then you've got the perfect alibi.

bron imaging group u.s, the umbrella for broncolor, visatec,
sunbouncer, foba, sinar and kobold are throwing a big party...

that's pretty much all they're saying, and frankly, on any given
friday that's all we need to hear!

next friday october 23rd at skyline studios - for more info
+ to rsvp check out:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

in memorium - marty forscher

marty forscher- a truly important part of new york's photographic
history passed on september 30th, at the age of 87 .

his contribution and commitment to the industry, and a great
example of what one person can give when they view what they
do as more than just work, and instead a catalyst for social justice.

please take the time to read more about marty forscher in the
new york times article on his life's work.

* image from the new york times

Thursday, October 8, 2009

where the wild things are

if you haven't already heard about spike jonze adaptation of
'where the wild things are' consider this a polite nudge to check it out.

chances are if you have heard, you've been watching this trailer over
and over again in anticipation of the october 16th release date.

director spike jonze's latest venture has been an ongoing source of
controversy and it seems, hopefully, the film may have escaped
relatively unscathed from the threats of multiple cuts and edits.

jonze's motivation behind the project: "to make a movie about what
it feelslike to be 9 years old -- that was my simple intention."

we could all do with a little time out from reality, and this is a more
enriching way to get that. be ready to brave the crowds though, with the
buzz surrounding this release there are sure to be queues.

check the trailer here:

* image sourced from

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


his website refers to him as "the british street artist with an
international reputation."

whether or not you appreciate his work he has undoubtedly
reached a level of infamy that only few artists ever will. his last
show at the bristol city museum and art gallery saw 300,000
visitors over 12 weeks.

supposedly born out of bristols aerosol boom of the late 1980s
bansky has been making himself heard for a substantial amount
of time, and makes no suggestion he'll be fading off anytime soon.

check some of his new work on his site:

* image sourced from the banksy website